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The strawberry is a member of the rose family. The plant produces succulent, red, conical fruit from tiny white flowers, and sends out runners to propagate.
They are extensively used in food stuffs ice-creams, jams, jellies, squashes, syrups, confectionaries, bakeries, chocolates and even medicines for their extraordinarily rich flavor, taste and color.


  • The health benefits of strawberry include eye care, proper brain function, and relief from high blood pressure, arthritis, gout and heart diseases.
  • Strawberries contain a chemical compound called phenols. Anthocyanin, a particular phenol abundantly found in strawberries, lends the rich red color to the fruit.
  • The phenols in strawberries also fight against many inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis, asthma and atherosclerosis
  • The combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents found in strawberries is well-known to fight against the onset of many different forms of cancer.
Fruits :          
Apple Apricots Avocados Bananas Blackberries Blueberries
Breadfruit Cantaloupe Cherimoyas Cherries Cranberries Dates
Figs Grapefruits Grapes Guavas Jackfruit Kiwis
Lemons Lychees Mango Oranges Papaya Peaches
Pears Persimmon Pineapples Plums Pomegranates Prickly Pears
Pummelos Sapodillas Sprite Melons Star Fruit Strawberries watermelon
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