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Delicious and widely popular peaches are native to China from where they spread to rest of the world via ancient silk route.
They belong to the genus Prunus; family of rosaeae
Technically, the fruit is a "drupe" having similar features of the other members of the genus prunus including plums, nectarine, almonds and damson.


  • Peaches are high in a number of nutrients your body needs such as niacin, thiamine, potassium and calcium. They are also high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy hearts and eyes.
  • The darker the peach’s color, the more Vitamin A it has in its pulp. The antioxidants may also help in maintaining healthy urinary and digestive functions.
  • Peaches provide a high source for this mineral. If you have a shortage of potassium, you're likely to have fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness, skin problems, poor memory, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure or heart deterioration and vibration in your ears
  • Peaches' phytonutrients have shown cancer-fighting possibilities.
Fruits :          
Apple Apricots Avocados Bananas Blackberries Blueberries
Breadfruit Cantaloupe Cherimoyas Cherries Cranberries Dates
Figs Grapefruits Grapes Guavas Jackfruit Kiwis
Lemons Lychees Mango Oranges Papaya Peaches
Pears Persimmon Pineapples Plums Pomegranates Prickly Pears
Pummelos Sapodillas Sprite Melons Star Fruit Strawberries watermelon
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