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Guava is a tropical fruit that is like the shape of pear, with green rind and pinkish or white flesh and small seeds.
They are also a good source of iron and pectin, an enzyme used in making jams as well as promoting digestion.
The guava leaf extract is also effective in treating gastrointestinal problems as it is rich in quercetin and other flavonoids.


  • guava helps control diabetes, protects prostrate, its Lypocene reduces the risk of cancer, the juice of the leaves cures toothache, swollen gums and oral ulcers
  • The benefits of guava include controlling blood pressure, lowering cholestrol, battling diabetes, combating cancer and protecting prostrate
  • The health benefits of guava herbal medicine are truly incredible, and in particular it contains quercetin which is an antioxidant
  • Guava is also rich in folate which helps to fight bad breath that causes gum disease gingivitis.
Fruits :          
Apple Apricots Avocados Bananas Blackberries Blueberries
Breadfruit Cantaloupe Cherimoyas Cherries Cranberries Dates
Figs Grapefruits Grapes Guavas Jackfruit Kiwis
Lemons Lychees Mango Oranges Papaya Peaches
Pears Persimmon Pineapples Plums Pomegranates Prickly Pears
Pummelos Sapodillas Sprite Melons Star Fruit Strawberries watermelon
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