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  • Persimmons contain significant concentrations of dietary fiber, minerals and phenolic compounds - all instrumental in fighting atherosclerosis, a leading cause of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.
  • One of the most important health benefits of persimmon fruit is anti-cancer properties, due to a high content of beta carotene and vitamin A. This fruit can lower the risks of lung cancer and is recommended to be consumed by chronic smokers.
  • Persimmons are also rich in Vitamin C which plays an important role in regulating body processes to prevent everyday diseases like colds and common flu.
  • Persimmon fruits contain healthy amounts of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper and phosphorus. These are believed to be powerful free radical scavengers and boost the production of blood cells.
Fruits :          
Apple Apricots Avocados Bananas Blackberries Blueberries
Breadfruit Cantaloupe Cherimoyas Cherries Cranberries Dates
Figs Grapefruits Grapes Guavas Jackfruit Kiwis
Lemons Lychees Mango Oranges Papaya Peaches
Pears Persimmon Pineapples Plums Pomegranates Prickly Pears
Pummelos Sapodillas Sprite Melons Star Fruit Strawberries watermelon
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