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Yoga Day On 21st June, 2016


My heartly welcome to dearest Yoga Sadaks

I, Navath Vittaleshwar of Rahaji Yoga Kendram has been serving as the Director & Chief Instructor for past 13 years. I immensely consider this activity “Service to Mankind is service to God”.

My success as Yoga Teacher has its beginning when I joined and practiced Yoga with my respected Guru Yoga Brahma, Yoga Ratna Sri Sri Shiv Shankar Yadav Garu who had raised me to this platform.

I always bow my head in respect of my Guru Sri Sri Shiv Shankar Yadav Garu. I heartly convey my thanks to:
1. Sri.Kateru Vishwnatham Garu & Committee.
2. Sri.Kottapally Sudharshan Reddy Garu & Family.
3. Sri.Rama Linga Reddy Garu.
4. Sri.Nalla Narsimha Reddy Garu.

who had given me opportunity & facility to teach Yoga.

Today we find that many old and young people suffering from mental and physical diseases. My sincere appeal to them Yoga is the best solution for your problems and shows the right path.

This Sadhana can be practiced between 8 years to 80 years and above.

Utility of Yoga.

Children: For Physical body growth and also improve concentration.

Youngster: Yoga develops mental stability, determination to achieve the goal.

Adults: It’s gives complete peace, happiness and good health.

Our Rahuji Yoga Kendra has rendered Yeomen service for the past 13 years, I pray the Almighty to give us the same strength and will power to continue the Sadhana.

I also pray that every human being free from mental and physical problems by right path of yogic life style.




Hello Hyderabad